
Excel is a binary data format for storing relational data. Contains info for EXL, EXH and EXD files.

Excel is a binary data format for storing relational data. It's composed of 3 different files:

  1. Excel List (.exl) is used to provide the excel index for the game, and allows certain sheets to be accessed by an ID rather than a name.

  2. Excel Header (.exh) is used to define the data layout, variant, segmentation and available languages in the event of localisation being present.

  3. Excel Data (.exd) is the raw data itself and just contains an offset table and then data for each row. The structure of this file changes depending on which variant is defined in the header.

Excel List (.exl)

Probably the simplest format in the entire game given it's just a text file.

The first line of the file is its 'header' and defines its type, EXLT and it's version following that. Each sequential line after the 'header' is a path, relative to the exd/ category, and its immutable ID. The immutable ID is optional and in cases where not relevant (eg. quest dialogue files) it's value is -1.

For example, here's an example of the content of a list file:


From these entries, you can build something like the following:

Relative Path/Sheet Name
Header Path











From here, the only thing you can do is parse headers as you will not be able to accurately figure out data paths without first reading the header due to language and row segmentation.

As a note, any excel entry in this file with an ID set get their header pre-cached by the game on startup.

Excel Header (.exh)

The Excel Header defines the schema and how you read data files. The first structure in this file is it's header which contains information you'll need to parse the rest of the file.

This file in its entirely is in big endian. You will need to convert this file to little endian on applicable systems.

For example, in C#, BitConverter.IsLittleEndian will return whether or not a conversion needs to take place. See the Lumina source code for this file for a working example.

struct ExhHeader
  char magic[0x4];
  uint16_t unknown;
  uint16_t dataOffset;
  uint16_t columnCount;
  uint16_t pageCount;
  uint16_t languageCount;
  uint16_t unknown1;
  uint8_t u2;
  uint8_t variant;
  uint16_t u3;
  uint32_t rowCount;
  uint32_t u4[2];


The magic is always EXHF. If it's not, the file is probably not the file you're trying to read.

Data Offset

DataOffset isn't relevant to this file at all, but is required when loading certain data from Excel Data files such as strings. It points to the end of the fixed size data of a row. For example, a row can be made of a bunch of integral types which have a known length at compile time, however a string length is variable. This offset allows you to then seek to the end of the row and access any additional data that may be on the end. If this is weird, don't worry, because it'll make sense later.

Column Count

ColumnCount is how many columns exist within the file and is the first thing you'll read after the header. In other words, you'll need to read sizeof( ColumnDefinition ) * ColumnCount immediately after the header.

enum ExcelColumnDataType : uint16_t
    String = 0x0,
    Bool = 0x1,
    Int8 = 0x2,
    UInt8 = 0x3,
    Int16 = 0x4,
    UInt16 = 0x5,
    Int32 = 0x6,
    UInt32 = 0x7,
    Float32 = 0x9,
    Int64 = 0xA,
    UInt64 = 0xB,

    // 0 is read like data & 1, 1 is like data & 2, 2 = data & 4, etc...
    PackedBool0 = 0x19,
    PackedBool1 = 0x1A,
    PackedBool2 = 0x1B,
    PackedBool3 = 0x1C,
    PackedBool4 = 0x1D,
    PackedBool5 = 0x1E,
    PackedBool6 = 0x1F,
    PackedBool7 = 0x20,
struct ExcelColumnDefinition
    ExcelColumnDataType type;
    uint16_t offset;

Offset is relative to the row offset, which you don't have until you read the offset table from a data file.

Type is the type of data stored. Most don't have any special handling outside of String and PackedBoolX but we'll cover that later.

Page Count

PageCount is the number of 'pages' an excel data sheet is split into. Many sheets only have a single page and every row will exist in a single page, however larger sheets such as Quest or Item have many pages. This information is another structure and immediately follows the column definition data.

struct ExcelDataPagination
    uint32_t startId;
    uint32_t rowCount;

startId is the row id where a page starts. You'll need this to build file paths for data files.

rowCount is how many parent rows a sheet contains. As a quick example before we cover it more in depth later is that given a row id, you can calculate which page a row is on with row >= startId && row < startId + rowCount - 1.

Language Count

Finally, the last thing you'll need to read out of a header file is the languages. These are needed to generate paths to data files along with the paging information.

enum Language : uint16_t
    // ja
    // en
    // de
    // fr
    // chs
    // cht
    // ko

You can read out the languages as is.


enum ExcelVariant : uint8_t

Used when reading data. Default requires no extra processing and you can just iterate over the offset list inside a data file. SubRows makes each row contain it's own rows. As a better example, it's like having a compound key on a database table. Instead of one column being the identifier for a row, you have two instead.

Row Count

This is the total count of all rows across every page. The game uses this field when it internally queries for a row count.

Generating Data File Paths

Once you have the 3 pieces of critical information from the headers, namely:

  1. The column count

  2. The page count

  3. The languages

You have everything you need to find data files! How exciting. The files follow one of 2 path formats, which makes this pretty easy. Make sure not to discard the data from the header, there's still some other information you'll need from it.

If the no language is set, your paths follow the following format:


Otherwise, if one or many languages are set (as in, not None), the following format applies:


This should be relatively obvious, but here's a few examples:

Page Start ID



English (en)




Japanese (ja)




French (fr)




German (de)


The above also applies for quest sheets and so on which exist in subfolders.

Excel Data (.exd)

The data file contains a single page of sheet data and as mentioned before, you will need the header file to read data correctly.

Similarly to Excel Headers, excel data files are entirely in big endian and will need to be converted to little endian on applicable systems.

struct ExcelDataHeader
  char magic[0x4];
  uint16_t version;
  uint16_t unknown1;
  uint32_t indexSize;
  uint32_t unknown2[5];

The value of magic should always be EXDF.

indexSize is how large the row offset index is, in terms of total size. To convert that to a number of entries, you'd do indexSize / sizeof( ExcelDataOffset ).

Data Offset Entries

Immediately following the ExcelDataHeader, the root row offsets are stored. The reason it's called the 'root row offset' is because on variant 2 sheets (or sheets with subrows), this offset won't point to data that can be read following the column data.

struct ExcelDataOffset
    uint32_t rowId;
    uint32_t offset;

rowId is the absolute row id, so a simple way to map these in whatever you're doing is to convert the list of data offsets in this file to a key value map, where the key is the rowId and the value is the offset. Then you can directly index rowIds on any given data page.

offset is the absolute offset to where the data is located in the file. It can be used as is.

Row Header

Once you seek to a row offset by following the offset list after the header, the first thing you'll encounter is the row header.

struct ExcelDataRowHeader
    uint32_t dataSize;
    uint16_t rowCount;

The dataSize is the entire size of the row, including any data for subrows (if they exist). You can use this field to copy out the exact amount of data for a row (or subrows) to then later parse if you choose not to do it in place.

rowCount is always 1 on variant 1 sheets and you can ignore that field entirely if you choose to. However, on variant 2 sheets, the rowCount is how many subrows belong to a row.

Therefore, on variant 1 sheets, immediately after the row header is your row data. You can then read columns directly out of the data given a column offset that you read from the header.

On the other hand, variant 2 sheets, following the header is the first subrow, or subrow 0. You can calculate the offset to n subrow with the following:

rowOffset + 6 + ( subRowId * header.dataOffset + 2 * ( subRowId + 1 ) );

To clear up a few things:

  1. The rowOffset is the offset from the offset list.

  2. rowOffset + 6 is the skipping the size of the row header. You could just store the offset once you read the row header and use that.

  3. header.dataOffset points to the end of the raw data of the row, or is basically the 'fixed' size of a row, not including strings. This lets you seek to the end of a row and immediately go to the next subrow.

There are some intricacies to reading certain types of columns which we'll cover in the next section.

Reading Row Data

Reading data out of a row depends a bit on the type of the column that you're reading. Most don't require any additional logic and you can read them out of the row and use them as is.

All of the types are as follows:

enum ExcelColumnDataType : uint16_t
    String = 0x0,
    Bool = 0x1,
    Int8 = 0x2,
    UInt8 = 0x3,
    Int16 = 0x4,
    UInt16 = 0x5,
    Int32 = 0x6,
    UInt32 = 0x7,
    Float32 = 0x9,
    Int64 = 0xA,
    UInt64 = 0xB,

    // 0 is read like data & 1, 1 is like data & 2, 2 = data & 4, etc...
    PackedBool0 = 0x19,
    PackedBool1 = 0x1A,
    PackedBool2 = 0x1B,
    PackedBool3 = 0x1C,
    PackedBool4 = 0x1D,
    PackedBool5 = 0x1E,
    PackedBool6 = 0x1F,
    PackedBool7 = 0x20,


As mentioned previously, variable length data is stored past the end of the fixed length data segment of a row. So to access a string, you need to read a uint32 where there string column is. You can then obtain the offset of the string by doing the following:

rowOffset + header.dataOffset + columnValue

Where rowOffset is the offset of the first column of a row, the dataOffset from the header and the uint32 that you read out from the column.

Packed Bools

Packed bools are always 8 bits/1 byte long. To each type is basically which bit you need to bitwise and against to read the correct bool out.

A simple way of doing this for all of them is something like the following:

var shift = (int)column.type - (int)ExcelColumnDataType.PackedBool0;
var bit = 1 << shift;

return (data & bit) == bit;

Alternatively, you can handle each one indivdually, but it's better to be lazy and do it the lazy way instead.

Everything Else

Read and use it as is. It just works™ - no magic required. Just make sure the endianness is correct.

Last updated

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