ZiPatch(.patch) is a file format used to update online games made by SQEX.
We'll only cover version 3 for now.
This patch format has been extant since FFXIV 1.0, but has had a few modifications since then, especially from 2.0 onward.
A patch file name generally starts with either H or D, for HIST and DIFF, respectively, followed by a version string, such as 2013.08.09.0001.0000. This is optionally followed by a lowercase letter (starting at 'a') in case the patch file corresponding to that version string would be larger than 1.5GB for HIST files. e.g.: H2013.08.09.0001.0000a.patch, D2019.05.29.0000.0000.patch.
Patch Naming Convention
Patch files follow the following naming convention:
Where D|H
indicates that a patch is a delta patch or a history patch respectively.
Some example patch names are as follows:
Byte order, unless explicitly mentioned, is big endian order. That is,
in hexadecimal will be encoded as00 AB CD EF
in file - notEF CD AB 00
which is little endian.
File Signature
All patch files start with 91 5A 49 50 41 54 43 48 0D 0A 1A 0A
The ZiPatch signature is followed by a contiguous array of chunks with the following structure
Where Header.Size indicates the size of Chunk.Payload, and Header.Name is a 4-character string indicating the type of the chunk, e.g., "FHDR", "APLY", and "SQPK".
Following Header, there's a Chunk describing the chunk contents, which will be detailed in the following pages. Following the chunk payload, there is a CRC32 of Header.Name with Payload.
This contiguous array of chunks terminates with a chunk of Name "EOF_".
FHDR - File Header
FHDR is always the first chunk in the file, containing a few unused fields and some information about the current patch file (such as number of commands, etc.)
FhdrChunk.Name has been observed to be HIST for history patches, or DIFF for delta patches.
APLY - Apply Option
The two currently known Options, Ignore Missing and Ignore Mismatch are normally set to false via two APLY chunks set right after the FHDR. This means that the official patcher fails if a file it expects there is missing or some data it expects to be there is not.
ADIR - Add Directory
Creates directory at Path. Path is relative to the game folder plus the patch type being applied (boot or game).
e.g.: If Path = "movie\ex1", and we are patching 'game' at "C:\Games\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn\", we would create the folder "ex1" at location "C:\Games\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn\game\movie\"
DELD - Delete Directory
Similar to ADIR, but the folder at Path is deleted instead. It only deletes empty folders.
Indicates no chunks should be processed after this.
Last updated
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